Saturday, October 19, 2019

One little piggy went to market...

Hi All,
It’s been a while since I’ve given to this blog space, but I am back to sharing about
the things that I love (and sometimes don’t love)—and today’s post is a reflection all about Faith!
If you are in a tough spot and have wondered about God as a source of strength/comfort:
this post is for you! I’ve spent many years searching for God (with some missteps along the way)
which has resulted in some important discoveries and I think it’s time to pass some of that faith along.  Here are three things to reflect on in your search
for God/divine assistance:

1) Not only is God real, God is the antithesis of the greed and selfishness
reflected in the world today. People are, and can be oh-so-fickle! One minute they’re
offering kindness/support (maybe even white knighting you), and the next
they’ve done an about face: gossiping or working against you in some way. Now sometimes it’s because we’ve done something to offend them, but that’s not always the case. People can be prone to projecting their insecurities onto others and so if you if you say or do something that is triggering for them it can result in an unexpected rift. Or, sometimes they just have moved on and decided they have no additional use for you (hello user personified). Here’s the good news: God is the opposite, consistently loving and interested—in you.

2) if you’re not sure where to begin in your search for God: just start small. Start by praying and think
of it as a conversation between you and God. Pray about your needs. God is not a genie 🧞‍♂️
but you can be sure he cares about your needs being met. So the answer to your prayer could be an
open door/fulfilled need, redirection, or the comfort and strength to face a situation head on. 👊🏽 you go girl! You can also pray about which resource to begin using, a new church, book, or even television program. Just be sure to remember you’ll likely have different people/ resources for different stages in your journey. That’s because your journey is personal to you and God, and ever evolving.

3) remain kind+ open/humble! That means don’t get caught up in ego, negativity/cruelty. Yes, hurt
people hurt people, but God’s people are the ones who remain kind hearted and use their pain to empathize with others. In short, you can’t give in like the Joker (have any of you seen Joker the movie?—it’s so good) to hatred even though it’s tempting.Think about it: if you are choosing cruelty/bullying  as coping mechanism, then do you really need God? No, in this case you are asking for just the opposite.

        I believe that the kingdom of God is hidden. So the arrogant greedy pigs of the world
yep I said it) —those who push others aside to get or maintain what they want will not see God.
This is good news for those of you who have ever been stung by a narcissist (to the greedy I say—good luck heffas)! And oh yea—I just mixed up my animal analogies but you get the picture lol.  But back to my point, who wants to be the one who has to constantly look over their shoulder wondering when they’re going to reap the seeds they’ve sown? Not I! Sometimes the greatest blessings come from doing the right thing—even if it takes you longer to get where you’re trying to go. If you’re not sure about all this faith stuff one thing you should ask yourself: who’s got my back?
That’s it for now lovelies!

Stay Humble & Sweet
Xoxo Andie

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